Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Stash of Stuff installment 1

I was talking to my sister-in-law Olivia about couponing (she's just getting started) I told her I would post some pictures of my stash (or stashes in my case) I have stuff stashed everywhere in my house. Anywhere I can think of I stash stuff. In my son's closet is where all of my dry pack #10 cans are. The cupboards above my dryer my laundry room is my new pantry along with my hall closet, my bathroom and of course my kitchen cupboards and even under my bed is a plastic storage container with boxes of pasta. I'm dreaming of a Shelf Reliance can rotation system. If you have one don't even tell me because I would be too jealous. (unless you don't want yours anymore and you want to give it to me!!)

I thought I would focus on my stash of toiletries. Probably because it is the most together. All of my other stashes are split up and in one of the various locations.
Here is a picture of my vanity cupboards in the bathroom.
On the top left is just a basket of hair brushes and stuff we are currently using, middle top basket is overflowing with men's and women's deodorant, top right basket has hair styling products and I think a couple bottles of conditioner.
Bottom left is overflowing with body wash I think I have at least 8 bottles, middle is shampoo and right has lotion and face wash and stuff like that. And most all of this stuff was free or super cheap meaning less that a dollar but mostly free.
an up close shot of the shampoo basket.
At the sink I have three cupboards (for some reason in my small house in our one bathroom we have pretty decent storage) in the one on the right the top shelf has toilet paper (not pictured), and the bottom pictured has a basket of toothpaste and a basket of regular bar soap.
This one on the left has a hodge podge of stuff , some extra shaving cream, (in the top drawer is where I keep all of the nail polish and spa stuff) On the bottom shelf is where the liquid hand soap is and on top of that I have several razors, and in the drawer is toothbrushes and some more razors.
OK well that's the bathroom. Stay keep watching for another view of my stashes.
And share your stash with us.

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